Prompt Archive
These prompts are for subscribers to Kat Vancil’s weekly newsletter The Storyteller’s Saga ONLY. If you are NOT on the list and have found yourself on this page consider yourself lucky and please DO NOT REPOST this link elsewhere.
Current Prompt
Casefiles & Mysteries Prompts
Locked rooms, mysterious disappearances, anonymous letters of grave warning, and crime scenes. Something sinister is afoot and your Legendary Character is on the case to bring the dastardly villain(s) to justice.
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Past Prompt
Romantasy Prompts
Your Legendary Character finds themselves sitting before a wizened bone thrower in a threadbare tent between two stalls at the festival market. It was not their intention to glean knowledge of their future when they set out this evening, but here they sit as the bones rattle against the cup.
As the bleached bones tumble across the cloth and go still, the bone thrower reads the fate they impart. Tonight your Legendary Character will find themselves sequestered alone in a chamber with three people. One who will die by their actions, one who is plotting their death, and one who would do anything to save their life.
Later that night your Legendary Character indeed finds themselves sequestered in a chamber with three people. Their dearest childhood friend, their betrothed, and the person for which their heart truly yearns.
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Villainous Prompts
The kingdom (or country) stands on the precipice of disastrous ruin as their rights and freedoms are ripped away. But is your Legendary Character the villainous mastermind of the kingdom’s (country’s) destruction? Or are they merely another tool being used by the corrupt, oppressive system to shove the people further into the mud?
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The Naughty List Prompts
Your Legendary Character doesn’t mind being on the Naughty List this year, especially if they get to be in their company.
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12 Days of Christmastide Prompts
Alternative Prompts for Non-Romance Writers
Use the 12 Days of Christmas song verses as prompts to write 12 non-winter holiday-themed short stories.
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Harvest Feast Prompts
While walking through a wood of golden birch your Legendary Character suddenly finds themself amongst a marvelous fairy feast. They are ushered to a seat at the long table which stretches far in either direction. They were told never to partake of what the Fair Folk offer, but it seems terribly rude to refuse.
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Haunting Prompts
Your Legendary Character’s car (or carriage) breaks down at the threshold of a small village at the edge of a dark forest. As they enter the village on foot strange music drifts toward them on a chilly autumn breeze.
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Scenetember Prompts
Write a 250-500 word scene based on the prompt words below. Your scene can be a side quest for a book you’ve already made, an alternate universe for an established story, or something entirely new.
Prompt Words
Smaugust Prompts
Ignite your creative brain by writing a 250-500 word scene based on these dragon-inspired word prompts below. Your scene can be a side quest for a book you’ve already made, an alternate universe for an established story, or something entirely new.
*NOTE: These prompts were not chosen by me but were part of the anual Smaugust Challenge