The heart of the magikal world. Their denizens are called Britannians.
Called “the City of Magik,” Londaria is the capital city of the Mageocracy of Britannia. Londaria is also the same place where long ago a dragon bestowed the first mage—Zephyr Astaroth—with magik.
Bealnora School of Magecraft
Though not as ancient as Astar, Bealnora has been around for well over half a century.
Founded by Imogen Bealnora who believed that everyone—regardless of the circumstances of their birth—deserved the opportunity to attend a quality educational institution of magik. To this day Bealnora remains one of the few magikal schools that does not require magik as a prerequisite to study in its facilities and offers numerous scholarships.
Colors: black, malachite green, and bronze
Insignia: Hippogryph*
Mascot: Beali the Hippogryph
The front half of Beali is a copper-colored hawk and his hind half is a black stallion.
*Hippogryphs are legendary creatures with the front half of a hawk and the hind half of a horse. They are considered a symbol of forbidden or star-crossed love because a hippogryph’s parents—a mare and a gryphon—are natural enemies. They are also considered the fastest of steeds and highly sought after.
Gideon Hall & Imogen Hall
Those mages studying at Bealnora School of Magecraft are required to stay in the school’s dormitories between Moonday and Fireday. The four-story dormitory has a single entrance in Gideon Hall, then separates by gender, boys to the right into Gideon and girls to the left into Imogen.
The dormitories are separated into two types: one for First through Fifth Years with a single large room for ten fledgling mages that have room names instead of numbers. And one for Sixth Years and above that has a smaller dorm room for two mages.
Arcanist & Master Mage Dorm Rooms
These rooms are furnished with 2 4-poster beds with bed curtains, a pair of work desks, wardrobes, and a set of shelves. There’s a long window between the beds with a window ceil wide enough for one to sit on.
The wardrobes have been placed on the wall opposite the foot of the bed to either side of the door. There are no nightstands, however, a set of shelves has been built into the wall above the headboards. The desks have been centered along the wall between the wardrobes and the foot of the beds.
Astar Magikal Academy
The premier magikal school in the world and said to be founded by the legendary Father of Mages himself, Zephyr Astaroth. Only those with the most exceptional magik from the most prestigious families the world over have any hope of entering these hallowed halls.
Colors: lapis blue, black, and gold
Insignia: 8-pointed star*
*Though this is also the house crest of House Astaroth the Astar insignia is styled differently.
Black Spire
A fortress prison exclusively for mages. The prison is on an island in the North Sea constructed of a black stone that nullifies magik. Those who are sentenced to Black Spire
are unlikely ever to return.