Looking for a new read (or 20) featuring a bi lead character to fill your TBR Shelf this Bisexual Awareness Month? Than look no further because Kat’s got sweet & oh-so-spicy stories for you in a wide range of genres.
Predestined Bookversary Giveaway
In honor of Predestined’s one-year bookversary and Bi Awareness this month Kat’s celebrating with a giveaway of all 3 editions including the special edition hardcovers.
WIP Wednesday – Scenetember Surprise
It’s WIP Wednesday and storyteller Kat Vancil is working on…a story prompt challenge set in a magik school + books with Bi leads for your TBR this month!
Scenetember 2024 Challenge
Hey writers! Throughout the month of September take part in this new prompt-word-a-day challenge and write a 500 word scene for Scenetember 2024.
It’s Perfectly Okay Not To Be Perfect
Perfectionism is sooo overrated. It’s toxic and the whole concept should be tossed in the trash. But here’s a healthy alternative that will still leave you feeling accomplished.
WIP Wednesday – Crows and Dragons and New Releases Oh My
It’s WIP Wednesday and storyteller Kat Vancil is working on…short story collections featuring crows and dragon boys + cover reveals for new releases!